Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Exclusive Breast feeding among Nursing Mother in Saki West Local Government
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Published: 18 January 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
This study was to access the knowledge, attitude and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among nursing mother in Saki west local Government. It is not an understatement that breastfeeding is the most suitable diet for a growing infant, proper breastfeeding practice are effective ways of reducing childhood morbidity and mortality. The objectives of the study is to access the knowledge of nursing mothers regarding exclusive breastfeeding, to verify their attitudes toward exclusive breastfeeding and to know if nursing mothers practice exclusive breastfeeding. The significant of the study is to know why exclusive breastfeeding is not being practice among nursing mother and ways to improve on it such as increase maternity leave to 6months and encourage family members to provide support and assistance to nursing mothers. The target populations were nursing mother in Saki west local Government. A descriptive research was used to select 200 respondents using accidental sampling technique. The main instrument for data collection was questionnaire which consists of 21 items. Data were summarized by simple percentage, frequency table while the hypothesis was analyzed by chi- square at 0.05 level of significance,52.o% have good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding, 54% have poor attitude while 91.5% practice exclusive breastfeeding. The hypothesis shows that there is no significant difference between religion of nursing mother and attitude toward exclusive breastfeeding and also there is no significant difference between employed and unemployed nursing mother. It was recommended that every nursing mother should be actively involve in the practice of exclusive breastfeeding and Government should established crèche in each of our working place for easy access of mother to their child. From the finding it was concluded that health education and proper training of health worker and counseling of nursing mothers and their husband will improve the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Exclusive, Breastfeeding, Nursing Mother.

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How to Cite
OLOWOLAFE Abiodun Samuel, OYEBADE Omolade Oluwaseun. (2021-01-18). "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Exclusive Breast feeding among Nursing Mother in Saki West Local Government." *Volume 3*, 2, 19-26